Longitudinal Studies was done on the effects of Vernonia amygdalina leaf extract on the external appearance and aging of the human body and the effect of protein intake, carbohydrate intake and the weather on them. The results of these studies are presented in this paper. The study spans the period 1981-2011. The subject in the study took VA leaf extract treatment in conjunction with the intake of reduced or increased carbohydrate or protein intake and in varying weather conditions. The carbohydrates consumed by the subject at different times varied. The carbohydrates included rice, yam and ripe plantains while the consumed proteins were Voandezeia hypogeal and Irish potatoes. The results of the study showed that VA leaf extract demonstrated ant-aging effects. The results also showed that the skin colour lightening (skin infection clearing), skin firming, anti-obesity, body quietening and body vitality effects of VA leaf extract were enhanced (potentiated) by protein intake and cold weather and antagonized by carbohydrate intake and warm/ hot weather. Carbohydrate foods antagonized the skin and body effects of VA in the order of the antagonism of yam > rice > plantain. Protein foods enhanced the skin, anti-obesity, body quieteni ng , body vitalizing and anti-aging effects of VA leaf in the order of Irish potatoes > Voandezeia. The study concludes that VA leaf extract and leaf powder had reversible β2-adrenoceptor (on body cells) and β3-adrenoceptor (on adipocytes)- anti-aging; skin infections clearing; anti-obesity; body calming and body vitalizing effects on the human body which were enhanced by increased protein intake and cold weather and antagonized by carbohydrate intake and exposure to warm weather. These results also suggest that human aging is slowed down by the intake of alkaline herbal extracts like VA leaf extract and increased intake of proteins and quickened by increased carbohydrate/ calorie intake and acid herbal extracts. The findings of the study also show that oral VA leaf extract has the property of reproducing the same effects and being non-toxic during many years of its continuous intake.